Donate to The Alton Symphony
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill

$50 One Time Gift
Make a one time donation of $50 to the ASO.

$500 One Time Gift
Make a one time donation of $500 to the ASO.

$100 One Time Gift
Make a one time donation of $100 to the ASO.

$1000 One Time Gift
Make a one time donation of $1000 to the ASO.

$250 One Time Gift
Make a one time gift of $250 to the ASO.

Other Amount
Make a one time donation to the ASO.
2024 - 2025 Donors
Patrons that contribute $50 or more are listed in our programs at each concert and thanked in our monthly virtual newsletters. Over 75% of our operating budget comes from donors. Your contribution makes a direct impact on ASO!
*STL Give Day Contributor
ASO Champion
$25,000 and above
Gerald Wunderlich++
$500 - $999
Gina Becker
Melinda Bock*++
Beverly Carter
Tom & Jerre Honke++
Tom & Nancy Johnson
Vincent & Jenna Piazza++
The VanMiddendorp Family++
Patron of the Arts
$15,000 - $24,999
$250 - $499
Alex & Martha Pfister++
Steve & Kay Waggoner++
Maestro's Circle
$5,000 - $14,999
Connie & Barry Clayton
Friend of ASO
$50 - $249
Rick & Sheila Acuncius*
Eddie & Norma Asadorian
Pamela Baker++
Cindy Barnett*
Steve & Barb Batchelor++
Laura Bernaix++
Melissa Bock++
Larry & Mary Booher++
Harvey Chiles*
Michael & Bonnie Cleary
Ken & Jean Conrady
Susan Davis
Yuping Ding++
David Drier
Ann Geiler*
Sam & Joan Gulotta++
Ed & Cathy Gray++
Anna Haine
Jean Herzog++
Jane Hopkins
Linda Klope
Paula Lambert++
Gary & Deborah Lee++
$1,000 - $4,999
Jacoby Foundation
Linda Atkinson++
Richard Giszczak++
Landmark Realty - Matt Horn
Liberty Bank
John Lindley
Jan Luken++
Sally Manush++
Tim Moline
Ann Osborn++
Cathy Paul*
Susan & Paul Pepper
Elaine Pfleger++
David Pfeifer
Margery Propes
Margaret Renken++
Sharon Rexford
Pat Rowold++
Maureen Ryan++
Mary Kay Sanders++
Ruth Scanlan
Katherine Swanger++
Nita & Thom Tellez
Greg Van Asch
Diane Wingerter
Jacqueline Wiseman